Ledger® Live: Desktop**

Ledger Live Desktop and your hardware wallet firmware up to date to benefit from the latest security patches and feature enhancements. Backup Your Recovery Phrase: Store your recovery phrase securely

Getting Started with Ledger.com/start®


In the world of digital finance and cryptocurrencies, security is paramount. Ledger.com/start® provides a robust solution through its hardware wallets and integrated services, ensuring users can safely manage their digital assets. This guide aims to walk you through the essentials of starting with Ledger, from setup to securing your crypto investments.

1. Understanding Ledger.com/start®

Ledger.com/start® is the official gateway for setting up and utilizing Ledger's hardware wallets and software services. It offers a seamless onboarding experience, guiding users through the initial steps of device activation and account setup.

2. Choosing the Right Ledger Device

Ledger offers several hardware wallet options, each catering to different needs:

  • Ledger Nano S: An entry-level device with essential features.

  • Ledger Nano X: Offers enhanced storage and Bluetooth connectivity for mobile use.

  • Ledger Nano A: Advanced features for institutional and enterprise-level security needs.

Discuss the features, benefits, and differences between these devices to help users choose the one that best suits their requirements.

3. Setting Up Your Ledger Device

Detail the step-by-step process of setting up a Ledger device:

  • Unboxing and initial inspection.

  • Installing Ledger Live software on your computer or mobile device.

  • Initializing the device and generating a recovery phrase securely.

  • Installing necessary apps for managing different cryptocurrencies.

4. Securing Your Digital Assets

Emphasize the importance of security practices:

  • Backing up your recovery phrase securely.

  • Enabling additional security features like passphrase protection.

  • Setting up PIN codes and ensuring physical device security.

Last updated